The weight of very stone is about 0,5-1kg!
To use Schungite as water filter is the simplest and most cost effective way to detoxify the water and to mineralize. Is made possible by the small fullerenes particles contained in Schungite. Schungite serves as a catalyst for organic reactions in water, the properties of water improved, enough with the calcium and magnesium and neutralized nitrites and nitrates.
The use of Schungite among modern healing practices. The positive action by Schungite is scientifically proven. The Schungite water can be used with blood circulation or metabolism at different allergies, problems. Even at normal cold or even in chronic fatigue can be consumed Shungite water.
How to prepare shungite water?
Step 1.
Buy Shungite stones. There are 3 different
groups 1-3gr., 3-5gr., or 1-5gr together and 5-20gr.
Step 2.
Rinse the stones in the water. After that boil
them for 10-15min. You don`t need Shungite dust.
Step 3.
Take 200gr. Shungite stones of the group
1-5gr. (1-3gr., 1-5gr.) by liter of the water. And if you have bought the group
5-20gr, take 400gr. by liter.
Step 4.
Wait at least 24 hours. But it would be better
if you can wait 2 days (24 hours). You shouldn’t wait more than 3 days (72
hours), there is no point. So, you must wait 1-3 days.
Step 5.
At the end you need to pour the clean water in
another container. Now you can drink the water! The water is ready to use!
You can use elite stones for 10-12 months,
regular shungite 5-6monthsAfter you need to change them.
How long I can use Elite stones for water? And regular
stones too?
You need to change Elite stones after 10-12 months and
we recommend to change regular stones every 5 months. Also wash the stones periodically
in running water.
How to use shungite in a well?
1. If there are questions - call. We will make a calculation of the required
amount of shungite.
2. Buy shungite for the well and give a convenient time for delivery.
3. If you know the volume of water in the well, safely load a minimum of 50-70
kg per 1000 liters.
4. Before use - flush the dust stones.
5. Before loading stones on the bottom of the well, we recommend installing an
aspen bottom filter.
6. Replace
stones after 3 years of use.
7. We recommend holding the stones in the net so that it is possible to pull
out and rinse the surface of the stones in running water. Washing stones is
recommended 2 times a year if the well is year-round and 1 time if you only use
the well in summer.
We have special
stone sizes for wells - 60-100mm.
Rough raw shungite stone 1 kg (2.2 lb)
- Product Code: 2505
- Availability: In Stock
- $90.00