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Shungite Pendants

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3 Pendants

Amulets from elite crystals 98% different shape with waxed poliester rope 80cm (31inches). A pa..

$28.00 $60.00

3 Pendants

Amulets from elite crystals 98% different shape with waxed poliester rope 80cm (31inches). A pa..

$16.00 $26.00

3 Pendants

Amulets from elite crystals 98% different shape with waxed poliester rope 80cm (31inches). A pa..

$18.00 $34.00

3 Pendants

The Pendant is made in the form of Olive about 25-28nm - 1inche.The diameter of the black waxed..

$15.00 $36.00

4 Pendants

Amulets 30mm with waxed poliester rope is 80 cm (31,49 inches). A particular magical prope..

$16.00 $32.00

4 Pendants Circle

Shungite pendants 50mm with waxed polyester cord 80cm (31inches). A particular magical property..

$20.00 $50.00


Size 4 cm - 1.5 inches . Waxed poliester rope is 80 cm (31,49 inches).Amulet Pendant  "The Eye ..

$7.00 $18.00


Shungite amulet 50mm (3mm thikness)  with waxed poliester rope is 80 cm (31,49 inches).A p..

$8.00 $20.00


Amulets A particular magical property of this item is enclosed in the word “amulet” itself. A..

$18.00 $60.00


Amulets A particular magical property of this item is enclosed in the word “amulet” itself. A..

$16.00 $47.20


Amulets A particular magical property of this item is enclosed in the word “amulet” itself. A..

$22.00 $50.00


Amulets 3х4cm with waxed poliester rope is 80 cm (31,49 inches). A particular magical pr..

$20.00 $55.00


Shungite pendant about 55mm (4mm thikness) with poliester waxed rope is 80 cm (31,49 inches). A p..

$5.00 $13.00


Shungite pendant different shapes 98% carbon content with poliester waxed rope is 80 cm (31,49 inche..

$14.00 $30.00


Shungite pendant different shapes 98% carbon content with poliester waxed rope is 80 cm (31,49 inche..

$8.00 $17.99

Showing 1 to 15 of 58 (4 Pages)
Shungite Pendants

Electromagnetic and geopathic radiation can be found everywhere - at home, at work, even outside. Electromagnetic radiation is invisible, but it is systematically detrimental to our health. How to protect yourself from its destructive effects? An excellent way out is to use shungite pendants - are unique accessories with protective properties that will successfully complement any of your looks.

Features of the mineral

Shungite is rightly considered a unique mountain mineral, its healing properties are admired, it is carefully researched by scientists for new discoveries. Shungite pendants are a perfect option for daily use, they are combined with dresses, work suits, and casual looks. Both a young girl and a mature woman will be able to choose the most harmonious model of the pendant.

Electromagnetic waves surround us everywhere - they come from household appliances, working computer equipment and mobile communications. But jewelry made of shungite is a very useful accessory that protects its owner from negative external influences. Shungite pendants radiate warmth and peace, they feel so good as an accessory that you don’t want to take it off.. Due to the large amount of fullerenes in the mineral, the pendant harmonizes your mental state, relaxes the body, eliminates unnecessary stress.

How does it work

Located close to the heart, the pendant is active throughout the day and night. He helps to:

  • Activate self-regulation of the body;
  • To equalize the energy background;
  • Normalize the thyroid gland;
  • Get rid of vegetative vascular dystonia - a scourge of modern society;
  • Increase vitality;
  • Stabilize the work of the nervous system.

Such shungite pendants are useful for both men and women - as they are equally exposed to the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. Wearing a pendant, you can feel a tangible effect after the first few days - your psycho-emotional condition will improve significantly, sharp mood swings will release, and anxiety along with constant nervousness will disappear.

Shungite is a natural geomagnet, which is confirmed by scientific experiments. It significantly reduces the effect of electromagnetic rays due to the shielding effect - at any time of the day you will be under the reliable protection of jewelry from this unique mineral.

How to choose shungite pendants

This accessory will be an excellent gift for your loved ones - so you will take care of their health and well-being for many years. Shungite demonstrated excellent protective abilities against the evil eye and any negative impact on the person by ill-wishers - even small children are recommended to wear a shungite pendant.

A wide variety of forms and techniques of processing shungite jewelry allows purchasing pendants from shungite by anyone - we provide customers with advice on the phone numbers listed on the site. You have the opportunity to order goods in bulk or at retail, as you wish.

Shungite products for everyday use really help get rid of many health problems - customers note that even waking up in the mornings has become much easier and more enjoyable than before buying such a pendant. We guarantee high quality of shungite pendants and excellent result - shungite will help you to improve your life, to become calm and self-confident and not to worry about external dangers.