ClickCease Shungite bath stones

Shungite bath stones 3-5 fraction in a canvas bag.

You need to put away plastic package before use.

We recommend to use 2-3 bags for bathing.

You need to leave them for half an hour or one hour in the water. The time is needed to structurize water.


Mineralized shungite baths. Indispensable for allergic diseases (in case of intolerance to other drugs), used in complex. The effect of baths in the treatment of hypertension, hypotension, psoriasis, eczema is especially effective!

Indications for use.
The centuries-old practice of using shungite for medicinal purposes has not revealed any side effects, so the recommendations are developed to a greater extent on the basis of ancient folk recipes used to this day. The effectiveness of shungitis preparations has been tested and confirmed by many balneological, medical and medical institutions. The use of shungite is compatible with any drugs and procedures.

Shungite baths, due to the properties of shungite, actively release minerals and globular carbon with natural fullerenes into water are effective physiotherapeutic procedures in balneology and are widely used by balneological and medical institutions. The ease of making such a bath allows everyone to make it at home.

After a busy day, sports, heavy physical and mental exertion, in the postoperative period, as well as when an allergic rash of a shungite bath appears, are simply necessary. They soothe, relieve stress, fatigue, strengthen the body and normalize sleep.

Shungite baths help athletes regain sleep, normalize pressure and heart rate, and fight injuries, quickly regain strength and shape.

Literally from the first bath, small cracks, wounds are tightened, and after several procedures, postoperative sutures are scarred, peeling of the skin, fungi, eczema passes. The high efficiency of shungite baths is due to the fact that shungite, freely releasing carbon minerals and globules with fullerenes into water, transfers all its healing qualities (bactericidal, antihistamine, antioxidant, etc.) to water; human skin has the ability to absorb water well, and while in the bath, the body receives the maximum possible contact with water and with it, the skin absorbs the maximum possible amount of healing minerals.

The most effective use of shungite baths in complex shungite collection together with water structuring kits (water shungite)

In allergic diseases, the use of shungites, due to their natural origin and the presence of natural fullerenes in their composition, is often superior in effectiveness to the use of artificial and synthetic drugs, and often, if other drugs are intolerant, the use of shungite drugs is the only possible.

Allergic and skin-allergic diseases.

Pre-asthma, bronchial asthma: shungite baths - every other day, MN - drink, KN - inhalation.

Neurodermites, allergodermatoses, eczema, discoid lupus erythematosus, psoriases with various complications, recurrent urticaria and almost all skin-allergic diseases: shungite baths - every other day, alternating with KN, CP and shungite ointments.

Bronchopulmonary diseases.

Tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic tonsillitis, ARVI, laryngitis, etc.: shungite baths - every other day, alternating with KN, PS, shungite ointments.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Osteochondrosis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, lumbosacral radiculitis, myositis, arthrosis, arthritis, consequences of joint injuries, and other degenerative-dystrophic joint diseases: shungite baths; in alternation with ShP showed the highest effectiveness in clinical trials; SV, MN - drink.

Diseases of the urinary system.

Urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, etc.: shungite baths - every other day, SV, MN - drink.

Dermatological pathology.
Trophic ulcers, vesicle dermatitis, contact dermatitis, atopic dermatosis with various complications and almost all skin diseases: shungite baths - every other day, alternating with IOB and PS; CP - washes, applications, baths, wet-drying bandages (37 degrees), and in case of itching and inflammation cold (when drying, wet bandages over-bandaging); SV, MN - drink.

KN relieves skin itching from insect bites, treats diapers and pressure sores, is used to treat abrasions, wounds, purulent wounds, torn calluses, etc.

Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Neurocirculatory and vegetative vascular dystonia, hypertensive disease of the 1st-2nd centuries, polyradiculoneurites, etc.: shungite baths - every other day; MN, SV - drink.

In some balneological institutions, the effectiveness of treatment of these diseases reaches 100%.

In the history of shungite therapy, cases of epilepsy cure have been repeatedly recorded.

The advantage of using shungite for children is their harmlessness and almost complete absence of contraindications. Many hundreds, and maybe already thousands of cured children in sanatorium, medical and scientific and medical institutions are the best confirmation of this.

In the rehabilitation of cerebral palsy, the use of shungite baths every other day leads to an improvement in the condition of patients.

Limitations: for gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, use in the phase of relief of exacerbation.
Contraindications: individual intolerance (extremely rare).

Treatment with shungite drugs is compatible with any drugs and procedures.

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Shungite bath stones (0,9 kg)

  • Product Code: 2545
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $70.00
  • $45.00

Tags: Shungite bath stones