Knee pad, knee bar with plates 20x30 cm (7,87 x 11,8 inches), 4/12 plates, 0.16 kg (0,35 pounds)
Any person suffering the joint diseases knows well about gnawing pains and long-lasting and exhausting treatment process. Medicine considers arthrosis and arthritis the most serious diseases and akinetic conditions caused by the knee-joint traumas are the most serious hardships for anyone.
Get your health back!
Nature gave us a unique chance to get rid of these problems by using the extraordinary healing effect of the Karelian mineral – shungite. The properties of this black mineral helping to neutralize harmful electromagnetic radiation, disinfect the substances it contacts with, harmonize all the biochemical and energetic processes in the human body are widely known. All the remarkable properties of this black mineral are concentrated in the shungite knee pad.
The most important feature of the shungite knee pad is its pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effect on the knee joint. When placed in the fabric pad, the sungite chips favor the metabolic processes and hematogenesis in the very first minutes after you apply the pad to your knee and thus relieves swells, nerve terminal compression and painful feeling. Due to the complete embrace of your knee joint, the healing effect of the knee pad is uniform to the maximum. As a result of its daily use, the muscular functions are recovered, the damaged ligaments and blood vessels are regenerated.
The healer of heaven
It’s worth mentioning that the range of favorable properties of this mineral is quite wide and versatile. It is mined in the pure for in the only place in the world – the Republic of Karelia – and is considered a fragment of the Planet Phaeton that disappeared millions of years ago. Thus, shungite can influence the human karma in some mysterious way.
As a high-class watchmaker, this unique mineral copes with the troubles of our body “mechanism” with filigree precision making all the systems work in unison and accurately. You can just use shungite water or have some dull black gems from the Karelian field within your reach and you’ll forget about your depression or broken-down condition, sleep disorders and chronic fatigue. All kinds of geopathic fields that are known as a serious threat for the human health lose their power with shungite.
A shungite knee pad is a great way to make your joints healthy again, get back your vitality, vigor and good mood. It hardly has any counter-indications but those who suffer serious heart diseases or individual component intolerance should consult their doctor. Don’t weal the knee pad longer than eight hours consecutively.
Get rid of acute pains in your knees and let you just live a full-fledged life: the only thing you should do is just order a shungite knee pad right now!
The color of the product may differ from that shown on the photo.
Shungite knee pad
- Product Code: 3410
- Availability: In Stock
- $90.00