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CONCLUSIVE DECISION concerning application of shungite paste, ointment and suspension for external therapy

The First Leningrad Institute of Medicine

Saint Petersburg Medical Institute of

Hygiene and Sanitation

Department of dermatovenereology

(Head of department prof. M.E. Starchenko)



concerning application of shungite paste, ointment and suspension for external therapy


The goal of the present research was effectiveness study of shungite suspension in the form of stupes, shungite paste and ointment using for outward application.

The group of patients (53) who suffered from various forms of allergodermathosis, psoriasis and erythema centrifugum was formed. The biggest group to the number of 23 persons consisted of patients with eczema. Almost all the patients had severe, capricious and torpid progression of the disease in past medical history.

The II study group consisted of patients with atopic dermatosis (neurodermatitis disseminata) to the number of 9 persons. All the patients had severe recurrent progression of the disease with evident severe skin itching. It is really difficult to select an external therapy for such patients because there is intolerance to many medications in this case.

The third study group to the number of 15 persons was composed of patients who suffered from psoriasis exudativa and psoriasis with apparent large infiltrated plaques; three patients suffered from seborrhea congestiva.

There were 53 patients under the care of physicians in total. They were from 18 to 80 years old but the largest group was 30-50 years old. There were 21 females and 32 males among them.

SHUNGITE SUSPENSION was used for patient curing who suffered from severe skin disease process followed by apparent water thesaurismosis, erythema; and some of patients suffered from madescence.

There were 23 patients under observation, 16 persons among them had eczema in the exacerbation phase with apparent microvesiculation; 5 of them had atopic dermatosis (neurodermatitis disseminata); 2 of them had nasty form of madidans psoriasis exudativa. All the patients without any exception complained of severe itching.

Shungite suspension was used in the form of soaking therapy and wet-to-dry dressings at a dilution of 1:3. Dressings were changed 3-4 times throughout the day. All the patients noticed subsidence of itching first and then itching disappearance. Within first 2-3 days stopping of madescence and water thesaurismosis were noticed; alloeosis – 3,   mend – 17, without action – 3. Later 20 patients were treated by SHUNGITE PASTE. We used 25% shungite based on zinc paste. There were 32 patients under observation with diagnosis: eczema – 17 persons, atopic dermatosis (neurodermatitis disseminata) – 6, psoriasis – 6, seborrhea congestiva – 3 persons.

7 patients who suffered from eczema had multivalent hypersensitivity to external therapy, intolerance to many medications (wood tar, naphthalan, basic bismuth gallate, boric acid, salicylic acid). Patients with eczema and atopic dermatosis complained of severe itching that remained even under pressure of hyposensitization therapy.

Shungite paste was well tolerated by all the patients. They noticed itching subsidence and then its total disappearance. Erythema, water thesaurismosis disappeared by 5th-7th day of shungite paste using. Patients with eczema had specific impact caused by conducted therapy. Favourable evolution (itching disappearance; flattening of papules, plaques; peeling disappearance) was noticed in psoriasis case. Specific impact was noticed in case of 3 patients with seborrhea congestiva. Erythema and acanthokeratodermia retracted thanks to  external therapy conducted in association with constitutional therapy. Alloeosis – 20,   mend – 12, without action – non.

25% SHUNGITE OINTMENT (base is petrolate) was used for curing of chronic patients (18), 6 of them had eczema, 3 of them had atopic dermatosis (neurodermatitis disseminata), 9 of them had psoriasis.

There were signs of apparent chronic inflammation (infiltration, fissures) on the skin of the patients. All of them complained of severe itching. During first day 83% of patients didn’t suffer from itching, after 7-10 days infiltration was solved almost completely in patients who had eczema and neurodermia; psoriasis plaques flattened considerably. Alloeosis – 6,   mend – 10, without action – 2.

Therefore alloeosis was noticed in 29 patients what is equal to 54,7 % in patient group (53) studied by us. Generally this number included patients who suffered from allergodermathosis (eczema, atopic dermatosis).

Mend was noticed in 19 patients (it was equal to 35,8%). Patients with atopic dermatosis, psoriasis and seborrhea congestiva were included in study group.

Action from conducted therapy didn’t occur in 2 patients with atopic dermatosis which amounted to 9,5%.

Synthesis and analysis of obtained results allows us to arrive at the conclusion that shungite suspension, paste and ointment: 1) are nonhazardous dermatics with apparent antihistaminic and anti-inflammatory action which eliminates itching and skin disorder. 2) don’t have an adverse affect; no complications were noticed during treatment.

Thus obtained results prove effectiveness of shungite suspension, paste and ointment for external therapy of patients suffered from allergodermathosis, psoriasis and seborrhea congestiva. They exhibit apparent anti-inflammatory properties (eliminate itching, inflammation) and could be used for external treatment of patients with skin conditions.



Head of department

prof. Doctor of Medicine                          Starchenko M.E.


Associate professor

Candidate of Medical Science                  Piryatinskaya V. A.


Resident Medical Practitioner                  Lytaeva E. A.



Stamp                                       Signatures          


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The story of one of our customers

         The post was originally published here.

         I have a Story to tell Everyone about this Amazing Mineral and Store Owners .. 16 years ago I was run over in My Car by a Tractor and Trailer on My Way home from work , the tires of both run over the drivers side of My little red sports car , I thought I was dead.. By rights I should have, I was spun into 6 lanes of traffic and bounced from 6 different cars, one of which exploded into flames, the Tractor Trailer didn't stop but he was caught eventually .. After 3 years of Physical Therapy and Every kind of Pain Medicine Made, I had to give in to the Reality that I was Broken and the Pain would never leave , I Was using pain meds that are 400 times stronger than Heroin, BUT it's legal , I had to stop working and Lots a huge part of My Life that day , No more running and playing with My Daughter or Dancing or even Walks in the park, I spent 99% of My time in bed because it hurt to Move.. Fast forward Thousand of Pain Pills and Pain Patches to just several weeks ago when I happened upon a Article written by a woman that I follow on Facebook and Admire her work and her Amazing Knowledge and research into Crystals and Stones .. She gave it raving reviews as a Powerhouse of a Mineral and I absolutely trust in her Knowledge of Everything she Tests and Sells .. I contacted this Store , This one I am posting on and got a reply from a Very Receptive Man named Maksim, We talked back and forth about the products I might like to try for my Back and for My Health in General and the Abilities the Mineral May have on My Chronic Pain, I got a few Items, The Back Pad and Some Nobel Stones to try out, After Much anticipation and some mishaps with the mail , I finally got My Back Pad, I couldn't get it out of the box fast enough to put it on .. Now , I want everyone to Know these are My OWN WORDS AND RESULTS and I am not receiving any kind of compensation for saying what I am about to tell you... I put the back pad on and it felt like lightening was Very softly running up and down My Spine .. It was Absolutely the most Glorious Feeling I have had to Date with all the Pain Meds, Crystals, Therapy, Shots in My Spine, None of these Touched My pain like this shungite - healing mineral Did ... I was In total Amazement and Comfort and Today is day 4 of wearing the Back Pad and Tucked a Few Small pieces into My Bra, Its a great holder for Crystals of all kinds that need to touch the skin.. As of today I am NOT wearing a Pain Patch, I have worn one everyday for over 5 years, I am NOT taking My Opiate Pain Meds or My Muscle Relaxers, NOT EVEN ONE PILL FOR 4 DAYS NOW !!! FOR ME this is the Most Amazing Mineral On Gods Green Earth ... It has allowed Me to Sleep without Sleeping Pills, it has allowed Me to Walk and Even Pick Up My Grandbabies to hug and Kiss them , I can Stand and Do the DIshes and Make My Own Food too .. These are all things I thought I had Lost Forever.. Shungite HAS Changed My Life 100% , I am using the Stones in Drinking Water Also and I guess I never had Real Pure Water Before , But It has such a soothing Effect on my entire body, I will Never go back to Pharmaceuticals Again , I had been looking for something natural to take the place of all the narcotics I was taking and I HAVE FOUND IT ... I Owe a Lifetime of Thanks to Shungite and Maksim for Allowing me to try this product ... If you live in Chronic Pain , I Strongly Suggest You to At Least Try this Miracle Mineral and see if it does for you what it Is doing for Me ... As an added bonus, My Daughter was in a Accident where they were Rear Ended in a Pickup Truck by a SUV, The Lady was TEXTING and DRIVING , HUGE NO NO PEOPLE .. Anyway her Knee was jammed into the dash of the truck and has been in Terrible Pain for a few weeks, Thinking Much like I did when I was hurt, It will get better with time , Well Hers is also getting worse , She stopped by after picking up My Granddaughter from school and I had her put 2 small pieces of Shugnite in her Knee Brace as soon as she got here , She would tear up when she had to walk or use her leg for anything , By the time she left , just about an hour and a half later, She WAS able to walk Without ANY PAIN ... Tomorrow she finds out if she is to have surgery or not , In the Meantime, She Can Walk and take care of the babies without being reduced to tears ... I have never Tested a Product and felt like I wanted to share the results before because there just wasn't anything that would take My Pain Away .. Today Is the First Review I have written and My Hand to God , Shungite has Given Me Hope, Life and The Ability to Love On My Grandbabies without being out of commission for days after picking one of them up... THIS IS ABSOLUTELY WORTH TRYING, CHRONIC PAIN IS A HORRIBLE LIFE, TODAY AFTER 16 YEARS I AM NOT IN PAIN, NONE , NOT EVEN A TINY BIT.. I Urge You to give it the opportunity to change Your Life the way it has Mine ... I Am Most Thankful to Shungite for Changing My Life and knowing that it is only going to get better from here ... Jackie L Singleton ... Illinois , USA .....

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Recommendation on the Use of Shungite and Alive (alkaline) Water to treat your hair

hair treatment with shungite water


            Wash your hair with alive (alkaline) water with soap or shampoo once a week, rinse with alive (alkaline) water, and let your hair dry naturally (don’t use a towel).

Results and notes

            The procedure makes your hair soft and silky, treating dandruff.

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Recommendation on the Use of Alive (alkaline) Water to improve blood circulation

blood-circulation treatment with shungite water


            If possible, take a bath with alive (alkaline) water or douse yourself with it once in a while. If you have an opportunity to take a pearl bath, fill the bathtub with regular water and add some alive (alkaline) water.

Results and notes

            The treatment boosts your energy, relieves fatigue, improves blood circulation, and softens your skin.

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Recommendation on the Use of Shungite and Alive (alkaline) Water to treat Stomatitis

 Stomatitis treatment with shungite water


            Gargle with alive (alkaline) water for 2-3 min. after each meal plus 3-4 more times daily.

Results and notes

            Damaged tissue heals within 1-2 days.

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Showing 41 to 45 of 119 (24 Pages)